Stabat Mater
Gioacchino Rossini’s Stabat Mater is a music liturgical sequence in ten movements. One of the most loved Pesaro composer’s wor- ks, the Stabat Mater is considered his authori- tative masterpiece, and it stands out from other works of the same genre.
The Stabat Mater is placed between the opera and the sacred music and it has, in the vocal writing and in the perfect orchestration, the operatic style of the more adult Rossini and a valid recovery of the Italian polyphonic tradi- tions.
When he was called around 1832 to set to mu- sic the text of the sequence by Jacopone da Todi, which describes the torment of the Virgin at the foot of the cross, Rossini undoubtedly recalled the Stabat Mater studied and worshi- ped by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, piece that he deeply loved.
The text of Jacopone thus becomes a true me- lodrama, characterized by a totally personal style and a strong, concrete and highly sceno- graphic language, in which Maria and the other interpreters of passion confront each other on the meaning of death.
The work had been commissioned by Manuel Fernández Varela, a noble Spanish prelate and theologian, and in 1832 the Pesarese wro- te only six issues. He stopped at the Quartet and gave to Giovanni Tadolini the task to complete the rest, and this remains the state of the work for ten years. In 1842 the author decided to settle the Stabat himself, replacing Tadolini’s movements with others personally written.
A last first performance takes place in the same year: the ten complete numbers, closed by a very heavy Fugue, were performed on 7 January 1842 in the Salle Ventadour in Paris and it is in this edition that the Stabat Mater, considered by many to be the fulfillment of Rossini’s music, has become one of the man- stay of the modern Rossinian repertoire.

Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria
It was born in 2011 as a resident orchestra of the Festival del Mediterraneo ; it has to its credit an intense concert activity that has seen it as the protagonist in several Italian theaters such as the Teatro Tendastrisce in Rome, the municipal theater of Altamura, the Politeama theater of Catanzaro. It has participated in numerous national festivals including the Festival delle Orchestre di Roma, the Festival "Leoncavallo" in Montalto Uffugo and the Festival Euro Mediterraneo in Altomonte. It is the resident orchestra of the opera season of the “Anfiteatro dei Ruderi di Cirella” since 2017. The orchestra was the protagonist of a tour in China at the Tianjin Opera House and the Harbin Opera House with the production of "Le Nozze di Figaro", "Pagliacci", "Cavalleria Rusticana", "Turandot", "Carmina Burana" and the New Year’s Concert with the voice of José Carreras. It boasts prestigious collaborations with many world-class musicians such as Michel Camilo, Ramin Bahrami, Sergej Krylov, Ilya Grubert, Sergei Nakariakov, Yuri Shiskin. The Principal Conductor is Filippo Arlia, awarded with the Gold Medal in the Aula Magna of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome "for the highly prized technique shown in the conducting of the orchestra and for the distinguished interpretation of the great symphonic repertoire of the '900".

Filippo Arlia
Born in 1989, Filippo Arlia is a pianist and conductor. He is considered by the international critics one of the most brilliant and versatile Italian musicians of his generation and he is also defined volcanic and unstoppable, brilliant and extraordinarily convincing. He has conducted numerous concerts in Europe , the Middle East and in general in numerous world nations. He has conducted prestigious orchestras such as the Orchestra De Tineret of Cluj, the Cukurova State Symphony Orchestra of Adana, the Philharmonic Orchestra "M. Jora" of Bacau, the Pacific Symphony Orchestra of Vladivostok. Since 2014 he has been Director of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "P. I. Tchaikovsky" in Nocera Terinese (CZ), where he holds a chair in principal piano and the chair in conducting.