Artists / Orchestra Filarmonica Pugliese

Orchestra Filarmonica Pugliese

Orchestra Filarmonica Pugliese
The artist

Philharmonic Orchestra of Apulia

The Philharmonic Orchestra of Apulia (OFP from the Italian Orchestra Filarmonica Pugliese), born in Molfetta (Bari) in 2013 and immediately sponsored by the Region, the only “Class A Instrumental Complex” recognized by the FUS in Puglia, has performed in the most important theaters and places of cultural interest in the cities of Bari, Brindisi, Lecce, Foggia and in the main municipalities of the BAT, crossing the regional borders to be particularly appreciated in April
2019 at the Teatro Argentina in Rome. The sparkling OFP team is permanently on the billboards of the major local Bodies and Foundations, sponsored by
MIBACT: CIDIM (Italian National Music Committee), Pugliese Public Theater, Curci Culture and Music Association of Barletta, Camerata Musicale Salentina in Lecce (LE), Fondazione Nuovo Verdi Theater of Brindisi (BR), VM Foundation Valente di Molfetta (BA), Auditorium Association of Castellana Grotte (BA), Aldo Ciccolini Academy Foundation of Trani (BAT), “Nino Rota” Association of Brindisi; broadcast live concerts for RAICinema and the Italian Cultural Institute in Amsterdam and received the patronage of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia for the "Gran Galà Beethoven" project for the cycle of concertos for piano and orchestra composed by the genius of Bonn. OFP has collaborated with renowned musicians as Giuseppe Gibboni, Luciano Tarantino, Corrado Giuffredi, Pierluigi
Camicia, Maria Pia Piscitelli, Nicola Hansalik Samale, Pietro Brogonovo, Marco Misciagna, Alfonso Soldano, Evgeny Starodubstev, Fabrizio Dorsi, Giuseppe La Malfa, Roberto Corlianò, Francesco Defronzo, Sklodowsky Bartosz, Anna Geniushene, Mai Koshio, Stefania Argentieri, Leonardo Colafelice, but also with non-classical artists such as Ronn Moss, Stef Burns, Antonella Ruggero, Andrea Braido and Gianni Ciardo.

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